Digital library search manual

Digital library search manual

"Physical chemistry" The phrase operator mandates that the words be adjacent to each other.
"human * management" The phrase search operator can incorporate a match any term modifier. Within the phrase operator, terms are positionally significant. When the "match any term" modifier is employed, the positions of the subsequent terms in that phrase query will be shifted.
molecular << electronics The strict order operator (also known as the "before" operator) matches a document only if its argument keywords appear in the document precisely in the order specified in the query.
=nanotechnologies The exact form keyword modifier matches a document only if the keyword appears in the exact form specified.
cat | dog The "OR" operator.
chemistry -physical The negation operator enforces a rule for a word to not exist.
Flexible << (Energy | =Devices) Brackets form groups in complex queries.
@title laser The field limit operator restricts subsequent searches to a specified field, for example, in title.